Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Outsiders Chapter 2 Questions And Answers

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    Posted by. Each group only has to turn in one paper. Who are the socs? Who are the greasers? Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny? Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does? Are the names Ponyboy and Sodapop...

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    Can you explain what he means by this? What do you think the poem is saying? How might this apply to the characters in the novel? Why are the socs and the greasers going to fight in the vacant lot? Do you think Dally's parents have influenced the...

  • Outsiders Chapter 2

    Explain why Pony might rather anyone's hate than their pity p. Why doesn't Ponyboy feel scared when the socs approach him and he threatens them with a broken bottle p. How is this a dramatic change from the Ponyboy we have seen up until this point? Revise your definition if necessary. For each section, add two words of your own choice. Word Asset p. What are the middle names of Ponyboy and Sodapop respectively? What is Two-Bit's favorite character to watch on TV? Answer: Two Words 3. What are the names of Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends? After Steve leaves the Curtis home to go to work, he is eating cake. Before he gets into the car to leave, what does Steve do with the cake? What is the name of Two-Bit's girlfriend? Answer: One Word First name only 6. What reason does Dally give the police for speeding? Pony was hit by a car He says he wasn't speeding at all Pony is very sick Pony fell off his motorcycle 7. What did Johnny often think of doing before, that in the hospital, he admits he regrets?

  • The Outsiders Chapter 2 Reading Comprehension Questions

    Search Results Trying to run away Trying to commit suicide Trying to leave the gang Trying to kill his parents 8. How many different shirts does Two-Bit wear throughout the movie? Answer: One Word Two Letters, actually When Soda is just getting out of the shower, and the whole gang is at the house he tells Ponyboy to do what? Hand him a towel Shut the door Tell Steve he will be ready in a minute Find his pants Which arm did Dally burn in the fire?

  • Chapter 2 Questions About The Book "The Outsiders"?

    What does Cherry explain as the difference between the Socs and the Greasers? Who are the Socs and the Greasers? The Socs are the rich kids of the town. They live on the west side. The Socs are always looking to get in fights with the Greasers. The Greasers always thought the Socs had a better life them them because they got very thing they wanted. The Outsiders, Chapter 3 Question and Answer Incomplete Johnny and Ponyboy stay outside and watch the stars and smoke , and Ponyboy ended up falling asleep and that made him late coming home. One day the horse was sold and Soda had cried all night. Soda had never wanted anything but that horse, and now he was gone…. Reasons it was included in the novel will vary 3.

  • The Outsiders Chapter 7 Comprehension Questions

    Explain the reference to the watching the sunset. Ponyboy was reluctant to tell Darry about how he really feels because he was smarting, aching, his chest was sore, he was so nervous my hands were shaking and he wanted to start bawling, but he knew that you just don't say that to Darry. Also Ponyboy knew he'd look like a baby. What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry? Who are the Socs? Phijak Chanyawiwatkul. Start studying Chapter 1: Quiz. K - 8th grade. Question 1. Take the quiz to test your knowledge of this portion of the novel! Tea Cake has stolen her money and left her. Chapter 2 4. Refer to curriculum topic: 1. Also explore over 26 similar quizzes in this category. Following completion click the link at the bottom of the screen to review the answer key. You have already completed the quiz before. For each What is This? Gandalf through a bit of trickery coerces Bilbo to join 13 dwarves on a quest to the Mountain in order to retake their home and treasure from the dragon Old Smaug.

  • The Outsiders

    Coursebook answer key. Asking for information: Can you tell me more about the options available? Checking: Is that Brighton Academy? Chapter The Cell Cycle Overview: 1. What are the three key roles of cell division? State each role, and give an example. Key Role Example Reproduction An amoeba, a single-celled eukaryote, divides into two cells. Each new cell will be an individual organism. Answer - Networking Essentials. CCNA 1 v6. For each person below, explain his or her role in these colonies. John Winthrop 2. Anne Hutchinson 3. Metacom 4.

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    John Smith 9. Acquiesce - To consent 2. Articulate - Using words effectively 3. Belittle - To put down 4. Conciliatory - Soothing 6. Delineate - To describe 7. Diffident - Different 8. Laconic - Brief 9. Scanty - Insufficient Subjugate - To dominate Sentence Check 2: Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the elementary level Cambridge English: Key KET to the very advanced level Why do you think Rosie, Olemaun's half-sister, would not share anything about her four years at NDA Answer Key has been unofficially Released now. The selection of candidates through the NDA will be in two stages; The initial round is a written exam, while the other is the interview. Chapter 3 Self-Check Answers. Rule 5 Self-Check. Warm up. Father Tom 3 Father Tom b. Rosalie Torres, CRM Check with the Key.

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    Then listen and repeat these sentences. Answer the questions. Saturday 2. Two 3. Eleven, seventeen 4. W double "u" 5. March, May, June. True or False? Chapter 8: 1. How does what the doctor first says, on page , foreshadow Johnny's condition? Soon, the doctor finds out what is going on and tells the nurse to let the boys. Answer: Technical advance involves 1 the development of pure science, 2 invention, 3 innovation, 4 financing the innovation, and 5 the innovation's acceptance. LDCs can skip stages 1 and 2 and sometimes even stage 3, so that scarce, high-level personnel can be devoted to adapting those discoveries already made. All employees receive desktop computers. The desktop computers are faster than the workstations. Explore More Reports Chapter 3. Lesson 1: Add in Any Order Chapter 2. Hardware M 2 a. Hardware E 3 b. Hardware M 6 LCD. Hardware M 7 Spreadsheet. Software Gets the Job Done M 8 Connecting Over Networks M The sixth edition APA Style blog was launched in June , on the same day that the sixth edition of the Publication Manual was published.

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    In the 10 years that the blog was active, we discussed all aspects of APA Style, and we answered thousands of questions in nearly 5, comments. Find answer key lesson plans and teaching resources. From cell structures answer key worksheets to analogies with answer key videos, quickly find teacher-reviewed educational resources. So much is in flux right now within organizations. For what reason other than to raise revenue does Congress levy taxes and how is this power limited? Congress levies taxes to regulate activities deemed harmful to the public. This power is limited by the Constitution and by the Supreme Court.

  • The Outsiders Chapter 2 Quiz

    Reviewing Key Terms 5. If ever you have to have help on solving quadratic equations or maybe elimination, Emaths. An ethnic group or ethnicity is a grouping of humans based on people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups such as a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of Chapter 1 review biology in the 21st century answers; Chapter 1 biology in the 21st century answers; Chapter 1 biology in the 21st century; Cell growth and division chapter 5; What happens when an aerobic organism is placed in an anaerobic environment; Which term is a method that is used to restore biodiversity to a polluted or damaged area 2.

  • The Outsiders: Chapter 2

    Write the main ideas in phrase form. The main ideas can be noted in a list, in a topic web, or in the left column of two-column notes. Begin the summary with an introductory statement. Turn the main ideas into sentences, occasionally including details when it is necessary to convey the main idea. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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    Write at least words. Chapter a The chilling effect of a clear breezy night is produced by the wind and by radiative heat transfer to cold outer space. Finally, the baby grows into an adult. Next, the kitten can eat the food its mother brings. Start studying Improving Vocabulary Skills Chapter 4. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Similar Conversions Jim took Pam to the theatre last week. Answers will vary Connect graph, 5 vertices with degree of 4 a no loops or no multiple edges b loops, no multiple edges c no loops. Multiple edges d loops and multiple edges Review Pkg 2. Select options on the right hand side to proceed. B Complete these sentences in your own words. Lucy Well, when I 13 arrive at the studio, I start going over my lines. While I 14 am doing this, the film crew are checking the lights and the sound. Fall Answer key.

  • The Outsiders Chapter Quizzes

    Unit 1 Business or pleasure? In Company 3. Answer Key 1. Because subjects and verbs are either singular or plural, the subject of a sentence and the verb of a sentence must agree with each other in number. That is, a singular subject belongs with a singular verb form, and a plural subject belongs with a plural verb form. For more information on subjects and verbs, see Section 2.

  • The Outsiders Chapter 12 Quizlet

    Start studying The Outsiders Chapter Questions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The outsiders. What makes Ponyboy different from the rest of his Greaser crew? As we know the SOC's and the greaser crew Gang are very aggressive to each other and even Question 1. Who is the narrator of the story in The Outsiders? He likes to watch movies undisturbed so he can get into them and live them with the actors. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers? The Socs and a group of rich kids that are the enemy's of the Greasers. The boys sneak over the back of the fence into the Nightly Double without paying. They didn't pay because Dally liked to break laws whenever he could. Explain what Pony means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt" on p. Soda reminds Pony of a colt because he is To play this quiz, please finish editing it.

  • The Outsiders - Chapter 1&2 Quiz

    Be sure to carefully number each response. You will be allowed to use your notes on your final test for The Outsiders. For the vocabulary section, please copy the sentence from the book where each word is used. Questions are included for before, during and after reading, as well as simple recall and high

  • The Outsiders Chapter 2 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

    Buy Study Guide Summary The novel begins with Ponyboy , the narrator, leaving the "darkness of the movie house. He describes himself for the reader, physically, and notes his household situation: he lives with his older brothers, Darry and Soda. Their parents were killed in a car accident, and the boys can "stay together only as long as we behave. Ponyboy grows nervous that he's walking alone, since Greasers often get jumped by Socs, "the jet set, the West-side rich kids. Soon he is surrounded by Socs. One of them flips out a knife and asks if Ponyboy needs a haircut; he is overpowered by them, with the knife to his throat, and starts screaming. A scuffle ensues, and Ponyboy is helped to his feet by Darry, his oldest brother. The Greaser gang has chased away the Socs. Sodapop, Ponyboy's other older brother, comforts him as he cries, and soon the whole gang comes back.

  • The Outsiders Questions? - Answers

    They've chased the Socs away with rocks. Ponyboy is bleeding where the Soc cut his face. Soon Darry starts scolding Ponyboy for walking home from the movies by himself, and Ponyboy explains to the reader that "Me and Darry just didn't dig each other. I never could please him. Dally suggests going to the movies the next night, but Steve and Soda have plans with their girlfriends, Evie and Sandy. Ponyboy says he and Johnny will go to the movies, then starts to ponder the type of girls the Greasers end up with.

  • Quiz Chapter 1

    He wonders if other girls act the same. Later that night, Ponyboy is reading Great Expectations for school, and relates to Pip, the main character. He remembers a time in biology when a cute girl was startled when he flipped out his knife to dissect a worm. Meanwhile, Soda is giving Darry a back massage for a pulled muscle from his job roofing. Ponyboy bemons how Darry has to "work like an old man when he was twenty," just to take care of his brothers. Sodapop comes to bed, and explains to Ponyboy that Darry "don't mean nothin'. He's just got more worries than somebody his age ought to. They talk about why Soda dropped out of school: "'Cause I'm dumb. He tells Ponyboy he's in love with her, and then falls asleep. The chapter ends with Ponyboy wondering what Soda meant about Darry. He finds it hard to believe that his oldest brother loves him, when he's always scolding him.

  • Edgerouter Slaac

    He tells himself he doesn't care about his relationship with Darry, but admits that, "I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me. They get there early, and have time to shoplift cigarettes from the drugstore. They arrive at The Dingo, "a pretty rough hangout," and catch up on "who was running away, and who was in jail, and who was going with who, and who could whip who, and who stole what and when and why. Then they sneak in over the back fence of the Nightly Double drive-in movie, even though they have enough money to get in. Dally walks down the aisle and sits right behind the only two other people there: two Soc girls, "dressed sharp and real good-looking. Dally goes off to buy Cokes, and the girls see Ponyboy and Johnny. Their demeanor immediately changes, and they are friendly to the two younger, less-threatening boys. Ponyboy remembers that Cherry is a cheerleader at his school. Cherry, her friend, Marcia , and Ponyboy strike up a conversation, and Cherry asks about Soda, because she knows he works at the gas station.

  • The Outsiders - Chapter 2 | English Quiz - Quizizz

    Ponyboy admits that Soda dropped out of school, a fact that embarrasses him for his brother. Johnny returns, and is clearly nervous around the girls. Soon Dally comes back with Cokes, but Cherry throws hers in his face. Dally "smiled dangerously," and gears up to harass her some more, but Johnny reaches out and stops him. Ponyboy notes that Johnny is the only one of the gang who could stand up to Dally without getting punched, since "he was the gang's pet. The girls invite Ponyboy and Johnny to stay with them, to protect them. Cherry points out that she notices a huge difference between them and Dally; they're not "dirty. Ponyboy soon learns that the girls had come with their boyfriends, but had left them when they realized the boys were getting drunk.

  • The Outsiders Ch 2 Discussion

    Two-bit sneaks up on the characters, pretending to be a Soc, and really scares Johnny, whose "eyes were shut and [who] was white as a ghost. Two-bit starts to flirt with Marcia, and updates them on Dally's whereabouts: Timothy Shepard, the leader of the other major Greaser gang, is looking for Dally because Dally slashed his car's tires. They talk about the impending fight, and Cherry is taken aback at their nonchalant approach to violence. Two-bit explains that that's what happens when you get caught: "Our one rule, besides Stick together, is Don't get caught. At the concession stand, she asks him about Johnny, and he describes to her how Johnny was jumped by the Socs.

  • What Is The Theme Of The Outsiders

    Ponyboy, Steve, and Soda were walking back from the gas station past the "wide, open field where we play football and hang out," when Steve noticed Johnny's jacket. It had a blood stain on it, and there were more stains across the grass; they then saw Johnny, "a dark motionless hump on the other side of the lot. Why did he look sick now? Cherry listens, and points out that "All Socs aren't like that. Ponyboy thinks about girls in general, and how he and Johnny are both a little scared of them thanks to Two-bit's lectures. Analysis The theme of appearances is immediately introduced in Chapter 1. When Ponyboy becomes aware of the Socs trailing him in their car, he says, "I automatically hitched my thumbs in my jeans and slouched," to make up for his small size and appear tough.

  • Outsiders Chapter | BetterLesson

    Ponyboy describes himself to the reader as unique in the gang for loving movies and books. This characterization is demonstrated as he describes his homework - which includes reading Great Expectations. He relates to Pip, the main character, because "he felt marked lousy because he wasn't a gentleman or anything. Ponyboy is falling asleep, and admits to the reader that, "I don't care about Darry. But I was still lying and I knew it. I lie to myself all the time. Such flights of fancy are associated with mendacity and dishonesty; on a formal level, this is in itself intriguing, as Ponyboy serves as our perspective into the novel's world, and the reader is therefore compelled to "believe" what he says. Hinton uses the technique of anecdote to reveal to the reader the story of Johnny's attack. Ponyboy describes it as it happened four months ago to Cherry at the concession stand.

  • Chapter Quiz Answers

    The anecdote is key to the development of Johnny's character, and the whole story, since Johnny's hatred of Socs is solidified in the attack. The anecdote of Johnny's attack ends with a passage of foreshadowing: "They had scared him that much. He would kill the next person who jumped him. Foreshadowing is also used in the last sentence of the chapter, in which Ponyboy thinks about the Socs and says, "Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky. I know better now.

  • The Outsiders Chapter Questions And Answers

    Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by S. Hinton and was released on March 25, in the United States. The Outsiders Chapter Quizzes Recognizing the pretentiousness ways to acquire this book the outsiders chapter quizzes is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. You could buy lead the outsiders chapter quizzes or I've quality tested the quizzes with students. Enjoy The Outsiders! The Outsiders Critics Consensus. The cracks continue to show in Coppola's directorial style, but The Outsiders remains a blustery, weird, and fun adaptation of the classic novel. Guided Reading Questions: 1.

  • The Outsiders (Chapter 2)

    What different attitudes to Soda, Steve, Darry, and Ponyboy have about the rumble before it begins? At the end of the chapter, Ponyboy says that the Socs have it so easy in life - "good grades, good cars, good girls, madras, and Mustangs and Corvairs - Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky. Explain how this is true. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Hinton: Chapter 1 Quiz quiz which has been attempted times by avid quiz takers.

  • Capitulo 1 Vocabulary Activities Answers

    Also explore over 60 similar quizzes in this category. The Outsiders By S. Click here to save or print this test as a PDF! Click the Build Printable button to create the review quiz. That bugged me; I'm not the kind that can lie around looking at the ceiling all the time. I read most of the time, and drew pictures. One day I started flipping through one of Soda's old yearbooks and came across a picture that seemed vaguely familiar. In this The Outsiders comprehension check activity, students respond to 17 short answer questions pertaining to chapter 9 of The Outsiders by S. Hinton in order to help them better understand the novel. The Outsiders Chapter Questions Chapter 1 1. How does the story seem now compared to your previous prediction? Determine a theme or central idea of the story. Then, explain and cite textual evidence to support you claim. Chapter 2 1. He was pretty well crocked, which made me apprehensive. This the outsiders quiz chapter 5, as one of the most functioning sellers here will agreed be among the best options to review.

  • The Outsiders: Chapter 2 Answer Key -

    Free-eBooks is an online source for free ebook downloads, ebook resources and ebook authors. Besides free ebooks, you also download free magazines The Outsiders. Chapter 9 — 10 Discussion Questions. Why do the two gangs fight? How is Pony different? What is the difference between Tim Sheppard's gang and Pon yboy's gang? Explain how Pony feels this difference might give his group the upper hand? What do you think Johnny's last words to Pony mean? Chapter 12 Questions 1.

  • Chapter 6 Sentence Check 2 Quizlet

    What 'circumstances' do Ponyboy's teacher refer to? Why is she called Cherry? What did Cherry do when Dally brought her a Coke? Read questions and answers from fellow students below. List as many ways as you can that Dally helps Pony and Johnny in this chapter. Questions for The Outsiders. Two-Bit gallantly offered to walk them home the west side of town was only about twenty miles away but they wanted to call their parents and have them come and get them. Pictures of Hollis Woods, the middle grade novel by Patricia Reilly Giff, introduces a number of great themes that kids in middle or upper elementary school will relate to — themes that can be used to spark a class discussion, for long-answer questions or writing prompts, and for hands-on projects.

  • Access Chapter 3 Grader Project Homework 1 Chapter Capstone Exercise

    Hinton's novel The Outsiders. Questions are matching and questions are multiple-choice. Outsiders Chapter 7 Quiza free for all platform with access to its huge database of free eBooks. Better known for audio books, Myanonamouse has a larger and friendly community with some strict rules. The one who stays is Two-bit. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. When Johnny and I went, we sat in the back, trying to get something out of the sermon and avoiding the people, because we weren't dressed so sharp most of the time.

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