Thursday, April 8, 2021

Nervous System Test Answers

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    Chapter 2: Multiple Choice Questions Try the multiple choice questions below to test your knowledge of this Chapter. Once you have completed the test, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results. This activity contains 20 questions....

  • [DOWNLOAD] Nervous System Test Answers

    The corpus callosum separates and joins which two structures? Which of the following are not located in the hindbrain? The diencephalon consists of which structures? Which functions are associated with the pons? What is the somatic nervous system...

  • Practice Quiz

    There is the central nervous system which consists of the brain, the spinal cord and travels upward to the retina yes the eye and more specifically, the light sensitive layer of the eye. Second, there is the peripheral nervous system which consists of neurons nerve fibers that branch out from the spinal cord. These nerve fibers extend to the neck, the arms, the torso, the legs, the skeletal muscles and, finally, the internal organs. Ganglia which are clusters of neurons connect neurons to each other, as well as to the central nervous system. The role of neurons is to transmit signals to each cell through the fiber strands. The fiber stands are also known as axons. The axons will then cause neurotransmitters chemicals to be released at specific junctions throughout the nervous system. These junctions are known as synapses. The synapses then send commands to various designated cells to create a reaction. The entire process from first signal to the ultimate reaction to that signal takes less than a millisecond.

  • Neurology Nursing Quiz Questions- 3

    Types of Neurons Sensory neurons will react to physical stimuli like temperature, sound, touch and light. These neurons will send a signal back to the nervous system which tells the body what the surrounding physical environment is like. The signal will tell you to shiver if cold or sweat if hot, or shield your eyes if the light is bright. The central nervous system also contains motor neurons. Motor neurons send out signals that will activates muscles and glands. The simple act of sitting or standing up falls under this type of signal. Even chewing, swallowing and laughing. Sensory neurons often work hand-in-hand with motor neurons. For example, the sensory neurons in the hand will send a signal that fire is hot which then triggers the motor neurons to make the hand pull away from the fire. In order for the neurons to work properly, however, they need to stay stationary. This is performed by glial cells which act like a kind of glue to keep them in place.

  • Nervous System

    The glial cells also provide the neurons with nutrients. Diseases of the Nervous System The nervous system is protected rather well by the bone of the skull and the spinal column. However, it can be damaged with accidents, such as a car accident or sports accident, or old age can make the bones more brittle and allow damage to the nervous system to occur.

  • Equine Anatomy: The Nervous And Muscular Systems

    The damage makes the nervous system susceptible to diseases. These are clusters of neurons and connect neurons to each other. Fiber strands.

  • Interactive Tools

    Nervous System Quizzes It is composed of nerves that start at the brain and spinal cord and then branch out to every other part of the human body. There is one correct answer for each question and no time limit on this Nervous System Anatomy Quiz. Each correct answer is worth one point. Good luck, and remember that you can take the Nervous System Anatomy Quiz multiple times on multiple days. However, if you disagree with our answer to any question, please research the issue. Mistakes happen. The correct answer to each question will appear once you have submitted your answer to each question. You will also be able to review each individual question and your answer at the conclusion of the Nervous System Anatomy Quiz.

  • Nervous System Quizzes

    You score will appear at the end of the Nervous System Anatomy Quiz in the form of the number of questions that were correct, and your percentage of correct answers. The Nervous System Anatomy Quiz is to be used for the purpose self- instruction and learning as well as your own personal continuing education. The Nervous System Anatomy Quiz results can be emailed to anyone by you in 3 easy steps by taking a screen shot. Please follow these instructions: Number 1. Number 2.

  • Quiz: Brain & Nervous System

    Save this document to your desktop. Number 3. Send it to the intended recipient. Nervous System Anatomy This quiz will test your knowledge of anatomy of the nervous system. There is one correct answer for each question and no time limit on this quiz. Good luck. Disclaimer - All answers are felt to be correct. However, if you disagree, please research the issue. Quiz results can be emailed by you in 3 easy steps by taking a screen shot. Open a word processing program, then Paste the image. Save this image to your desktop. Compose an email, then attach the image.

  • Nervous System Questions

    Send to the intended recipient. Nervous System Anatomy You can make a copy of your quiz result and email it to a recipient by pressing the Alt and PrtScr buttons at the same time while viewing your score. Then, paste the image into a word processing program and send it as a file attachment to the intended recepient. Nervous System Anatomy Your answers are highlighted below. Question 1 This is the posterior part of the brain that connects with the spinal cord.

  • Chapter 3: The Nervous System

    Which of the following position is contraindicated in increased intracranial pressure? Head midline. Head turned to the side. Neck in neutral position. Head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees. Which of the following measure helps to avoid elevation in intracranial pressure? Blowing nose. Coughing vigorously. Exhaling during repositioning. Which of the following condition is characterized by severe, throbbing headache, flushing of the face and neck, bradycardia, and sudden severe hypertension? Spinal shock. Malignant hypothermia. Autonomic dysreflexia. To assess the coordinated functioning of the cranial nerves 3, 4 , and 6, which of the following test to be done? Corneal reflex. Six cardinal fields of gaze. Pupil response to light and accommodation. Which of the following is known as the trunk line of nervous system?

  • 11 Fun Facts About The Nervous System

    Store Sympathetic vs. This quiz will test your knowledge on the autonomic nervous system along with the medications pharmacology that either inhibit or stimulate these nervous systems. In the previous NCLEX review series , I explained about other neurological disorders, so be sure to check those reviews out. As the nurse, it is important to know how the nervous system works and the types of drugs that can be administered to either inhibit or stimulate the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Nervous System Quiz This quiz will test your knowledge on the sympathetic nervous system vs.

  • Human Body Quiz: Nervous System

    In addition, to the different types of drugs. True or False: The autonomic nervous system is unique because it has only one neuron that synapses in an autonomic ganglion. Hence it has only pregangolic neurons not postganglionic neurons. The sympathetic nervous system postganglionic neuron releases what neurotransmitter? Acetylcholine C. Both Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine D. Arginine 3. The sympathetic nervous system preganglionic neuron releases what neurotransmitter?

  • GK Questions And Answers On Nervous System

    Chapter 28 Nervous Systems. D voluntary nervous system and involuntary nervous system. Answer: B. The nervous system is responsible for our thoughts, our emotions, our senses, and our movements. The brain, nerves, and spinal cord are all members of this important process. How much do you know about the nervous system? Do you know what happens when the system Central nervous system multiple choice questions and answers, central nervous system, human receptors, human nervous system, receptors in humans, endocrine system test Parts of the Nerve Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of your answer.

  • Quiz: Autonomic Nervous System

    It is the most complex system of the human body that regulates the other system. Circulatory b. Nervous c. Digestive d. B Aintergration of stimulus with reaction. C to trigger action as a motor response or motor output. Answer Keys. How is the nervous system used to transfer messages to and from the Hint: You can sniff out some clues to help answer this question in the second half. Explanation are given for understanding. B spinal cord and spinal nerves.

  • Equine Anatomy: The Nervous And Muscular Systems | Quiz

    C spinal nerves and cranial nerves. D All of the above. The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of the: A brain and spinal cord. C spinal nerves and brain. The Sensory System and the Motor System c. The dendritic and the axonal systems b. The sympathetic and parasympathetic 7. It is anything that moves quickly towards our face may cause our eyes to blink. Which function of nervous system does this behavior refer to? Nervous System Quiz. The nervous system is your body's communication system. It tells your muscles to contract, it tells you when you are feeling pleasure or pain, stimulate the brain properly and you can be made to taste something without eating it. The most basic function of the nervous system is: a. The nervous system is involved in: a. The spinal cord is part of: a. CNS c. Take the Nervous System Quiz. Parkinson's disease occurs when certain nerve cells, or neurons, die or become impaired. Normally, these neurons produce dopamine. Loss of dopamine causes the nerve cells to fire out of control, leaving patients unable to direct or control their movement in a normal manner.

  • Nervous System Questions (practice) | Khan Academy

    The answer to this question remains enigmatic, not so much because of a lack. Download Physical science study guide solutions apologia. Nine questions on the human nervous system. Articles - Here you'll find a range of short articles on basic anatomy and physiology topics, complete with a few 'test yourself' questions for each one. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy is a c 3 nonprofit organization. Donate or volunteer today! Insert the appropriate letter or term in the answer blanks. Key Choices. Autonomic nervous system C. Peripheral nervous system PNS B. Central nervous system CNS D.

  • The Nervous System Test Questions

    How do neurons communicate with one another? You didn't answer this question. You answered The correct answer is Neurons communicate with one another and with the organs they control by passing a minute electrical current called an "action potential. Here's how it works. A small current flows along the cell membrane of a neuron to the end of the cell the axon. The axon comes close to, but does not touch, the next neuron in the pathway. The tiny gap between neurons is called the "neural synapse. If the neighboring cell is a neuron, it receives the neurotransmitter through receptors called "dendrites. The response can be to generate an action potential, which continues through the receiving cell's axons to the next neural synapse. The response could also be to stop an action potential. Electrically C. Through weak, radio-wave-like impulses D.

  • SSB HISTOLOGY Nervous Tissue SAQ

    What is a common neurotransmitter? You answered The correct answer is Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter, meaning it makes cells more excitable. It is found in the nerves in the body, where it stimulates muscles and glands. It is also found in the brain, where it helps regulate dopamine another neurotransmitter in the brain.

  • Nervous System Anatomy Quiz

    Alzheimer's disease is associated with a shortage of acetylcholine. GABA is short for gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is an inhibitory transmitter, meaning it makes cells less excitable, and it helps the brain maintain muscle control. Serotonin is an inhibitory transmitter that helps the brain regulate acetylcholine. Acetylcholine C. Serotonin D. All of the above 6. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that provides for communication between muscles and nerves. When there is a problem with the interaction between acetylcholine and the acetylcholine receptor sites on the muscles, which condition s can occur? You answered The correct answer is In myasthenia gravis, the immune system creates an antibody that attacks acetylcholine receptors of the muscle cells. When acetylcholine binds to the acetylcholine receptors of the muscle cells, it causes them to contract. When an antibody blocks this binding, the cell fails to contract or contracts only weakly.

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    This can cause drooping eyelids, weak eye muscles, and fatigue of affected muscles after exercise. Myasthenia gravis C. Multiple sclerosis D. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter. Which disease or disorder results when the neurons in the brain that produce dopamine die? You answered The correct answer is Parkinson is the result of the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. Dopamine is a chemical messenger responsible for transmitting signals within the brain.

  • Nervous System Quizzes • Anatomy & Physiology

    Parkinson disease occurs when certain nerve cells, or neurons, die or become impaired. Normally, these neurons produce dopamine. Loss of dopamine causes the nerve cells to fire out of control, leaving patients unable to direct or control their movement in a normal manner. Multiple sclerosis B. Lou Gehrig disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis C. Parkinson disease D. Seizure disorder 8. Certain metabolic diseases can affect the nervous system. For example, people with diabetes can develop a nervous system problem called diabetic neuropathy. What are the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy? You answered The correct answer is An estimated 3 in 5 to 7 in 10 people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy, but not all with neuropathy have symptoms. The highest rates of neuropathy are among people who have had the disease for at least 25 years. Symptoms may involve the sensory or motor nervous system, as well as the involuntary autonomic nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy causes either pain or loss of feeling in the toes, feet, legs, hands, or arms.

  • Multiple Choice Questions On Nervous System ~ MCQ Biology - Learning Biology Through MCQs

    Autonomic neuropathy causes changes in digestion, bowel and bladder function, sexual response, and perspiration. It can also affect the nerves that serve the heart and control blood pressure. Autonomic neuropathy can also cause hypoglycemia low blood sugar unawareness, a condition in which people no longer experience the warning signs of hypoglycemia. Constipation or diarrhea.

  • Nervous System Test

    Other symptoms that may be related to nervous system No Other symptoms that may be related to nervous system Have these problems been: Quickly getting worse over minutes to hours? Nervous system problems are quickly getting worse Slowly getting worse over days to weeks? Nervous system problems are slowly getting worse Staying about the same not better or worse? Nervous system problems are unchanged Getting better? Nervous system problems are getting better Do you think that a medicine may nervous system test answers causing your symptoms?

  • Anatomy And Physiology Of Animals/Nervous System/Test Yourself Answers

    Think about whether the symptoms started after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing symptoms No Medicine may be causing symptoms Have the symptoms lasted for more than 2 weeks? Yes Nervous system symptoms for more than 2 weeks No Nervous system symptoms for more than 2 weeks Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may need. These include: Your age. Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health. If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner.

  • Sympathetic Vs. Parasympathetic Nervous System Quiz – Includes Pharmacology

    Medicines you take. Qnswers medicines and natural health products can cause nervus or make them worse. Recent health events, such as surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Sywtem health habits and lifestyle, such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel.

  • Chapter 2: Multiple Choice Questions

    Try Home Treatment You have answered all the questions. Based on your answers, systsm may be able to take care of this problem at home. Try systemm treatment to relieve the symptoms. Call your doctor if symptoms get worse or you have any concerns for example, if symptoms are not getting better as you would expect. You may need care sooner. RelatedInformation Symptoms of a stroke may include: Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis in your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one side of your body.

  • Quiz | Online Resources

    Sudden vision changes. Sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements. Sudden problems with walking or balance. A sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches. Problems with the nervous system can cause a variety of symptoms almost anywhere in the body. A few examples of symptoms that may be caused by a nervous system problem include: Numbness or tingling. Weakness or a reduced ability to move any part of the body not caused by pain. Tremors, tics, or other unusual movements, such as a walking gait change or mouth smacking. Coordination problems, such as dropping things, tripping, or falling more often. Vision changes.

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