Thursday, April 8, 2021

Describing Distributions Numerically Crossword Answers

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    Symbolically, the arithmetic mean is expressed as where pronounced "x-bar" is the arithmetic mean for a sample and is the capital Greek letter sigma and indicates summation. Roman letters usually represent sample statistics, whereas Greek letters...

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    Deviation here refers to the directed distance i. Sample Size is the number of elements in a sample. It is referred to by the symbol n. Be sure to use a lower case n for sample size. An upper case N refers to Population Size, unless being used in...

  • Describing Distributions

    If there are an odd number of data elements, the median is a member of the data set. If there are an even number of data elements, the median is computed as the arithmetic mean of the middle two. The median has other names, such as P50, which will be discussed below. The Hinkle textbook uses the symbol Mdn for median. The Midrange is the arithmetic mean of the highest and lowest data elements. Midrange is a type of average. Range is a measure of dispersion and will be discussed below. A common mistake is to confuse the two. Statisticians may often be cast as liars as a result. Note how advertisers may distort statistics to pursue their goals.

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    Some basic facts regarding averages are as follows. Mean, median, and midrange always exist and are unique. Mode may not be unique or may not even exist. Mean and median are very common and familiar. Mode is used less frequently; midrange is rarely used. Only the mean is "reliable" in that it utilizes every data element. The midrange, and also somewhat the mean, can be distorted by extreme data elements. The mode is the only appropriate average for nominal data.

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    Round-off Rules The mode, if it exists, and possibly the median are elements of the data set. As such, they should be specified no more accurately than the original data set elements. The midrange and possibly the median are the arithmetic mean of two data set elements. One additional significant digit may be necessary to accurately convey this information. The number of significant digits for the mean should conform to one of the following rules. The significant digits should be no more than the number of significant digits in the sum of the data elements. Since the sample size n is an exact value, it has no affect on the number of significant digits obtained from the division. This is sometimes simplified as a rule of thumb by stating that the mean should be given to one more decimal place than the original data. The number of significant digits should be consistant with the precision obtained for the standard deviation.

  • NewScientist

    It is not uncommon in science for results to be left in and interim calculations sometimes rounded to three significant digits, which is about all you could get out of a slide rule. Hence, this was commonly termed slide rule accuracy. In pre-calculator days, this also made hand calculations easier. The important thing to remember is not to write down twelve decimal places without good reason, even though your calculator will often display such. Presenting more than five significant digits is probably a joke and points will be deducted!

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    Examples Question 2 of the homework for lesson 1 asked for the average of: 1, 1, 2, 4, 7. As we have seen in this lecture, this is a rather ambiguous question and the answers 1 mode , 2 median , 3. All scores occur only once, hence there is no mode. The median score is 8 not 8. An extreme score 1 distorts the mean so perhaps the median is a better measure of central tendency. For a larger data set, this could be further defined in terms of skewness median and generally mean to the left of negatively skewed , right of positively skewed , or same as zero skewness the mode and symmetry of the data set.

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    It is more common to be positively skewed, since exceptionally large values are easier to obtain due to lower limits. Measures of Dispersion Another important characteristic of a data set is how it is distributed, or how far each element is from some measure of central tendancy average. There are several ways to measure the variability of the data. Although the most common and most important is the standard deviation, which provides an average distance for each element from the mean, several others are also important, and are hence discussed here.

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    Range Range is the difference between the highest and lowest data element. Symbolically, range is computed as xmax-xmin. Although this is very similar to the formula for midrange, please do not make the common mistake of reversing the two. This is not a reliable measure of dispersion, since it only uses two values from the data set.

  • Describing Distributions

    Thus, extreme values can distort the range to be very large while most of the elements may actually be very close together. Recently it has come to my attention that a few books define statistical range the same as its more mathematical usage. I've seen this both in grade school and college textbooks. Thus instead of being a single number it is the interval over which the data occurs. Such books would state the range as [xmin,xmax] or xmin to xmax. Thus for the example above, the range would be from 1 to 7 or [1,7]. Be sure you do not say since this could be interpretted as The appropriateness of this modification increases as the level of measurement decreases. The Standard deviation is another way to calculate dispersion. This is the most common and useful measure because it is the average distance of each score from the mean. The formula for sample standard deviation is as follows.

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    The sample standard deviation uses n-1 in the denominator, hence is slightly larger than the population standard deviation which use N which is often written as n. We have already discussed the use of Roman vs. Greek letters for sample statistics vs. This is why s is used for the sample standard deviation and sigma is used for the population standard deviation. However, another sigma, the capital one , appears inside the formula. It serves to indicate that we are adding things up. What is added up are the deviations from the mean: - xi.

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    Which of the following is likely to have a mean that is smaller than the median? There are three children in a room, ages three, four, and five. If a four-year-old child enters the room the a mean age will stay the same but the variance will increase. The weights of the male and female students in a class are summarized in the following boxplots: Which of the following is NOT correct? When testing water for chemical impurities, results are often reported as bdl, i. The following are the measurements of the amount of lead in a series of water samples taken from inner city households ppm. Which of the following is correct?

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    Part 2: Free Response Communicate your thinking clearly and completely. Nevertheless, a knowledgeable user of statistics can tell a lot about the dataset simply by studying the set of descriptive statistics above. Write a brief description of what the results tell you about the distribution of grades. Construct a modified boxplot for these data. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Solutions Quiz 1. The actual total of the rounded numbers is

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    Tables are commonly used, and there are many graphical and numerical methods as well. The appropriate type of representation for a collection of data depends in part on the nature of the data, such as whether the data are numerical or nonnumerical. In these lessons, we will learn some common graphical methods for describing and summarizing data: Frequency Distributions, Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, Histograms, Scatterplots and Timeplots.

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    Frequency Distributions The frequency, or count, of a particular category or numerical value is the number of times that the category or value appears in the data. A frequency distribution is a table or graph that presents the categories or numerical values along with their associated frequencies. The relative frequency of a category or a numerical value is the associated frequency divided by the total number of data. Relative frequencies may be expressed in terms of percents, fractions, or decimals. A relative frequency distribution is a table or graph that presents the relative frequencies of the categories or numerical values. If decimals were used instead of percents, the total would be 1. The sum of the relative frequencies in a relative frequency distribution is always 1.

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    Differences between frequency distribution table and relative frequency distribution table Show Step-by-step Solutions Bar Graphs A commonly used graphical display for representing frequencies, or counts, is a bar graph, or bar chart. In a bar graph, rectangular bars are used to represent the categories of the data, and the height of each bar is proportional to the corresponding frequency or relative frequency. All of the bars are drawn with the same width, and the bars can be presented either vertically or horizontally. Bar graphs enable comparisons across several categories, making it easy to identify frequently and infrequently occurring categories.

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    Bar graphs are commonly used to compare frequencies, They are sometimes used to compare numerical data that could be displayed in a table, such as temperatures, dollar amounts, percents, heights, and weights. A bar graph is a graph that compares amounts in each category to each other using bars. How to read and interpret a bar graph? Show Step-by-step Solutions Segmented Bar Graph A segmented bar graph is used to show how different subgroups or subcategories contribute to an entire group or category. In a segmented bar graph, each bar represents a category that consists of more than one subcategory. Each bar is divided into segments that represent the different subcategories. The height of each segment is proportional to the frequency or relative frequency of the subcategory that the segment represents. How to interpret percentage segmented bar charts? Bar graphs can also be used to compare different groups using the same categories.

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    It is sometimes called a double bar graph. Interpreting Double Bar Graphs Show Step-by-step Solutions Circle Graphs Circle graphs, often called pie charts, are used to represent data with a relatively small number of categories. They illustrate how a whole is separated into parts. The area of the circle graph representing each category is proportional to the part of the whole that the category represents. Each part of a circle graph is called a sector.

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    Because the area of each sector is proportional to the percent of the whole that the sector represents, the measure of the central angle of a sector is proportional to the percent of degrees that the sector represents. Creating a Circle Graph Show Step-by-step Solutions Histograms When a list of data is large and contains many different values of a numerical variable, it is useful to organize it by grouping the values into intervals, often called classes. To do this, divide the entire interval of values into smaller intervals of equal length and then count the values that fall into each interval.

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    In this way, each interval has a frequency and a relative frequency. The intervals and their frequencies or relative frequencies are often displayed in a histogram. Histograms are graphs of frequency distributions that are similar to bar graphs, but they have a number line for the horizontal axis. Also, in a histogram, there are no regular spaces between the bars. Any spaces between bars in a histogram indicate that there are no data in the intervals represented by the spaces. How to create a histogram from the given data? How to create a relative frequency histogram? Relative frequency histogram has percentage of data values on the vertical axis rather than the frequency.

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    Step 1: Find the total number of data values. Step 2: Find the percent of data values in each interval organize in a table Step 3: Draw Histogram. Example: To study connection between a histogram and the corresponding frequency histogram, consider the histogram below showing Kyle's 20 homework grades for a semester. Notice that since each bar represents a single whole number 6,7,8,9 or 10 , those numbers are best placed in the middle of the bars on the horizontal axis. In this case Kyle has one grade of 6 and five grades of 7.

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    Examples: 1. At Texas Middle School, a sampling of students were surveyed to determine which flavor of cookie they prefer being served in their cafeteria. Based on the data shown in the bar graph which of the following statements is true? The histogram below shows the number of movie tickets sold before 5. Which of the following sets of data could have been used to create the histogram? The manager of a carnival was trying to figure out which rides people liked the best. He recorded his information below. Use his bar graph to answer the questions. Scatterplots All examples used thus far have involved data resulting from a single characteristic or variable.


    These types of data are referred to as univariate, that is, data observed for one variable. Sometimes data are collected to study two different variables in the same population of individuals or objects. Such data are called bivariate data. We might want to study the variables separately or investigate a relationship between the two variables. If the variables were to be analyzed separately, each of the graphical methods for univariate numerical data presented above could be applied.

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    To show the relationship between two numerical variables, the most useful type of graph is a scatterplot. In a scatterplot, the values of one variable appear on the horizontal axis of a rectangular coordinate system and the values of the other variable appear on the vertical axis. For each individual or object in the data, an ordered pair of numbers is collected, one number for each variable, and the pair is represented by a point in the coordinate system.

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    A scatterplot makes it possible to observe an overall pattern, or trend, in the relationship between the two variables. Also, the strength of the trend as well as striking deviations from the trend are evident. In many cases, a line or a curve that best represents the trend is also displayed in the graph and is used to make predictions about the population. Scatter Plots : Introduction to Positive and Negative Correlation A scatter plot is a graph of a collection of ordered pair x,y The graph looks like a bunch of dots, but some of the graphs are a general shape or move in a general direction. If the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates both increase, then it is positive correlation. This means that as the value of one variable increases, the other increases as well. The variables are related. If the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates have one increasing and one decreasing, then it is negative correlation.

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    This means that as one increases, the other decreases. If there seems to be no pattern, and the points looked scattered, then it is no correlation. This means that the two variables are not related. As one variable increases, there is no effect on the other variable. Example: Show Step-by-step Solutions Time Plots Sometimes data are collected in order to observe changes in a variable over time. For example, sales for a department store may be collected monthly or yearly.

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    A time plot sometimes called a time series is a graphical display useful for showing changes in data collected at regular intervals of time. A time plot of a variable plots each observation corresponding to the time at which it was measured. A time plot uses a coordinate plane similar to a scatterplot, but the time is always on the horizontal axis, and the variable measured is always on the vertical axis. Additionally, consecutive observations are connected by a line segment to emphasize increases and decreases over time. What is a time plot? The data comes from the U. Create a Time Series Plot to display the data graphically. Show Step-by-step Solutions Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.

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