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Matthew Westward How many wise men brought gifts to Jesus? The Bible never says Who diligently asked the wise men about baby Jesus? Matthew He wanted to kill Jesus What guided the wise men to find Jesus? Matthew Silver What was Jesus' approximate...
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Tweet How well do you think you know the Christmas story? Here are some Christmas Bible quiz questions for you to think about. Many of these are basic knowledge questions, but some of them will make you dig to see if my answer really is right. Are...
Christmas Quiz Questions And Answers
It is commonly depicted that Mary rode a donkey while Joseph walked along side. But that is simply an artistic depiction. If you have ever heard the oratorio by George Handel called The Messiah, you have heard many direct quotes from the book of Isaiah concerning the birth of Christ. For Christ an angel appeared before Mary and Joseph individually and a multitude of angels spoke to the shepherds. Matthew ; Luke ; Luke ; Luke The Bible does not say that this was Gabriel; however, it is assumed to be him since he was the one specifically mentioned as the messenger to Mary and Zacharias in Luke 1.
The Tragic Story Questions And Answers
Isaiah ; Matthew , Jesus is the same name as the Old Testament name Joshua which also means Savior. Matthew , The wise men followed the star to find the place where Jesus was. Matthew , 2. Each time they appear they only speak. Tradition says there were three because of the three gifts. It is also very likely there were many more than just three. But we know that his intentions were far from worship.
The Christmas Story Trivia Questions & Answers : Gospel Mixture
Matthew The wise men saw His star at his birth and began following it. If the journey was miles from Persia and Mesopotamia around modern day Iraq then it would have taken at least a month. By the time they arrived Jesus and His family had moved into a house. Later in the story Herod ordered all the children aged 2 years and younger to be killed. Therefore, Jesus was at least a month old and not yet 2 years old. He ordered all the children in Bethlehem and the outlying areas who were 2 years old and younger to be killed.
Classical Music Trivia Questions And Answers
However, Jesus and His family had already moved to Egypt Matthew However, Isaiah could be a prophecy talking about at least a donkey seeing the crib of his Master God. It could allude to the fact that an ox was there too. If a bunch of shepherds were there, one would assume sheep would have been present. But there is no definite list of animals mentioned in the Bible. Nor does it even say that they were inhospitably turned away from an inn. It just says there was not room in the inn at Bethlehem.'s.pdf
Bible Trivia Questions (and Answers)
There may have been many hundreds of people camping in the streets and countryside during the mandatory census. Luke , I know some of these answers were tricky. However, I hope they caused you to think. In fact, one of the answers is based on a very educated guess and may not be completely true. I challenge you to figure out which one that is and come up with a better answer in the comments below. Looking for more articles about Christmas? Check these out:.
150+ Multiple Choice Trivia Questions And Answers
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Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers Free Printable
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10 Good Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
True these Bible Quiz questions. Then download the file above for all True or False: The Bible is the best selling book in history. A: True Q: What is the 1st book in the Bible? A: Genesis Q: What is the final book in the Bible? F: False, but Bible Trivia is fun! Q: How many books in the Old Testament? A: Revelation Q: Which human author wrote the most books? A: Paul wrote 13 books. Q: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible? A: Moses wrote , words. False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most. Q: In what language was most of the New Testament written? A: Greek Q: What is the shortest book in the Bible? A: 3 John Q: How many books are in the Bible? A: 66 Bible Quiz Game on Video Youth, children, or adults will love these scripture based trivia questions and answers.
A Christmas Quiz
They are in a game show format and easy to use simply by pausing the video. This is a fun way to do Bible trivia with any church or Sunday School group. Use them in a fun quiz style game with children, teens, or adults. Click to rate this post!
90 Best Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers You Should Know
Joel Muniz What better way is there to celebrate the Lord than to gather with your loved ones and study His word? Grab your friends and family or print these out and bring them to your Bible study group to quiz one another and have a fun time while doing it. Our bible trivia and quiz questions are here to help you learn, speak to Him, and connect on bible knowledge. You might even learn something new! Go ahead, test your knowledge! Printable Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Take our bible quiz with these trivia questions and answers. Printable trivia questions and answers.
Printable Bible Trivia Questions And Answers Multiple Choice
Instant download. No email required. Trivia Question: Where was Jesus born? With over 4, questions divided into 14 topical sections, trivia buffs will be tested on such topics as Crimes and Punishments, Military Matters, Things to Eat and Drink, and Matters of Life and Death. Answers are conveniently placed on the following page. Trivia Question: How many books are in the New Testament? Answer: 27 Trivia Question: Paul was shipwrecked on what island? Answer: The first Christian martyr Trivia Question: In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities? Answer: blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children. Trivia Question: Why did God send the ten plagues? Trivia Question: What is the third commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Christmas Quiz Questions
Answer: Five Trivia Question: Who cried after hearing a rooster crow? Answer: Are you the King of the Jews? Trivia Question: Where is the birthplace of Paul, also known as Saul? This is now located in modern-day Turkey. Answer: Sychar Trivia Question: What do you drink from to have eternal life? Answer: Nazareth Trivia Question: Who cut off the ear of the high priest? Answer: 13 Trivia Question: King Herod promised what to his daughter on his birthday? Answer: She is thrown from a window. Trivia Question: How many sons did Ahab have in Samaria?
Christmas Bible Quiz
Answer: 70 Trivia Question: How many blemishes was a sacrificial beast allowed to have? Answer: Zero Trivia Question: If a person sinned ignorantly at the time of Moses, what happened to them? Answer: 1, silver pieces Trivia Question: In 2 Sam 14, how did the wise woman disguise herself? Answer: Ahasuerus Trivia Question: To create the plague of frogs, who stretched his rod over the waters of Egypt? Answer: Dorcas Trivia Question: Which disciple was crucified upside-down? Answer: Three times Trivia Question: What did the dove bring back that let Noah know that the water was receding? Answer: Micah Trivia Question: Who were the three men that were thrown into the fiery furnace? Answer: Two women were fighting over a child, each one claiming it was theirs; he offered to cut the baby in half and give each woman a half.
Kids True Or False Questions And Answers
Trivia Question: How did King Solomon know which woman was the birth mother? Answer: She told him to give the other woman the baby Trivia Question: Who was the first hunter mentioned in the Bible? Answer: years old Trivia Question: Where did the ark come to rest after the flood? Answer: Trivia Question: Jesus continues to be with us through what?
Christmas Story Quiz
Answer: Through the sacraments Trivia Question: How many sacraments are there? Answer: Communion Trivia Question: What were the crimes of the two men who were crucified with Jesus? Answer: 20 Trivia Question: How many kings of Israel were there? Answer: 17 Trivia Question: How many fruits of the Spirit are there? Answer: 9 Trivia Question: What are the fruits of the Spirit? Answer: 50 pieces of silver Trivia Question: After his resurrection, to whom did Jesus appear first?
Print Christmas Bible Quiz (Answers)
Answer: 13 Trivia Question: What are we saved by? Answer: Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtue, and praise. Answer: The heart Samuel Trivia Question:.
Answers: Christmas Bible Quiz – Wordwise
Whip - Jesus was whipped and beaten before being crucified. What color was the robe that the Romans placed upon Jesus? Blue c. Yellow d. Green Purple - The color purple is mentioned in John and in Mark. Matthew states that the robe was scarlet. What kind of crown was placed upon Jesus' head? A rusty piece of barbed wire b. A crown of ivy c. A crown of nails d. A crown of thorns A crown of thorns - The Romans wanted to mock Jesus, so they gave him a 'crown'.
Best Hard Trivia Questions And Answers - Test Your Knowledge.
Mary Magdalene c. Pilate d. Herod Pilate - Pontius Pilate washes his hands as a sign that he is not responsible for the crucifixion. How many gospels are in the bible? The 'Easter Story' is in the gospels. What did the Romans do with the coat that Jesus had worn? Gave it to a beggar b. Ripped it.
How Well Do You Know The Real Christmas Story?
Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries especially in America, Canada, Australia and in European countries. It is a religious event and mostly celebrated by Christians. Different people celebrate this festival in different ways. Gift giving, Christmas music, Lighting a Christingle, Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Santa Claus are some popular and common things through which Christmas festival associated. In fact, there are too many histories associated with this festival. We covered some Christmas history questions and some different cultures associated with Christmas in this post.
139 Best Hard Trivia Questions And Answers – Test Your Knowledge.
Trivia questions on Christmas 1. The day of Christmas is a source of what? Show Answer The Christmas day is the source of happiness and joy for the people. Christmas is a festival of which religion? Show Answer It is the festival of Christianity. The people give gifts to each other on which day? Show Answer The people celebrate Christmas together and they give each other gifts on Christmas. How people enjoy Christmas with each other? Show Answer The people enjoy the day of Christmas while spending time with each other and by giving gifts to everyone. Is the Christmas is celebrated in any other religion?
Answers: Christmas Bible Quiz
Show Answer No, it is only in Christianity, however, some people from other religion celebrate it for fun and enjoyment 6. Who was the hero of the super hit Christmas movie which name is Jingle All the Way? Show Answer Arnold Schwarzenegger 7. Who tried to stop the day of Christmas to come by stealing all the useful things of Christmas? Show Answer 8. White Christmas is a famous movie and who is the star of this movie? Show Answer Bing Crosby 9. What is the real name of the key character Scrooge from the novel A Christmas Carol? Show Answer A Christmas Carol is a novel and who was the author of this novel? In A Christmas Carol, how many ghosts were present? Show Answer Four What is the name of the movie that featured Tom Hanks which is an animated movie? Show Answer The Polar Express The movie Tom hanks is a Christmas movie and it is in the category of which movies?
Discipleship Ministries | Christmas Story Quiz
In the A Christmas Carol movie who has done the major role? Show Answer The ghosts. In Christmas holidays which milk-based food is available, that has both alcoholic and non-alcoholic nature? The traditions fruit cake Stollen is the speciality of which country? Show Answer Germany In a British Christmas dinner which name is given to small and tiny sausages which are wrapped in bacon? Show Answer Pigs in the blankets The costume of Father Christmas which is in red and white color was supposedly first presented by which drinks producer?
Christmas Bible Trivia And Games
In which direction it is good to stir mincemeat for good luck i. In Christmas, the people of Germany enjoy which thing happily in food? Show Answer The fruit cake is enjoyed by many people in Germany and it is also a specialty in Germany. The fruit cake which is considered as favourite cake has a good taste due to which ingredient? Show Answer The people love the taste of fruit cake due to the fruit and caramel source specially made with delicious fruits. For the making of the traditional recipe of bread sauce, what would the people stick into an onion? A swede is a made for which two vegetables? Show Answer A turnip and a cabbage What is a female turkey which is used in Christmas food is called? In Christmas pudding which tradition spirit is added in the butter? The people of the world love which delicious food Christmas? Show Answer The people love pan cakes, vegetable rice, and sausages at Usually, the people give which type of gifts to their family members at Christmas?
Christmas Bible Trivia
Show Answer The people give mostly chocolates, photo albums, watches, candies, greeting cards and sweets to their family members. How the people all across the world enjoy the day of Christmas and what they will do in the Christmas holidays? Show Answer The people meet with each other and visit the home of their loved ones, they enjoy delicious food and in the Christmas holidays they visit beautiful places and spend the quality time with their favorite people.
Bible Quiz Questions And Answers
When was the first card of the Christmas sent and who designed the card? Show Answer The first card of Christmas was sent in and the person was designed the card is John Horsley. John Horsley designed the card of the Christmas for which reason? Show Answer To spread love and happiness among the people during Christmas. The U. K, Canada, USA, Germany, and other Commonwealth countries celebrate the day after the festival of Christmas officially as what holiday?
A Christmas Quiz – Probe Ministries
Show Answer Feliz Navidad The long strips of shiny foil which is similar to tinsel are used for what purpose and what are they called? Show Answer These long strips of shiny foil are usually used to beautify the Christmas tree and these are called Icicles What is the main reason that the people decorate the Christmas tree? Show Answer The main reason that mostly the people decorate the Christmas tree is that they want to beautify their homes and to feel the real happiness of Christmas. For Santa Claus, what are two other names used? Which country has the famous tradition of filling the clogs of the children with candies and treats on 5 of the December? Who shaped Rudolph, the most famous reindeer of Santa Claus?
Rate Your Bible Knowledge With A Christmas Quiz
When Rudolph shaped Rudolph, the most famous reindeer of Santa Claus? Show Answer Rudolph made Rudolph in when he wrote a story-poem that has the Christmas-themed story poem to attract clients of his department store. Who once stole the event of Christmas? Which is the first country who used the famous tradition of the Christmas trees? Germany has used the tradition of the Christmas tree for which main reason? Show Answer The tradition of the Christmas tree used by Germany is to know the value and importance of Christmas and to give happiness to everyone. What were the things that were decorated in the first Christmas tree? Show Answer The things that were decorated in the first Christmas tree were candies, electric Christmas lights, shinning strips, and glittery balls.
Printable Bible Trivia Questions And Answers For All Ages
Who created the electric Christmas lights? The electric Christmas lights were created in which year? With which saint or monk, the myth of Santa Claus is related? Which was the last state that declared the holiday for Christmas officially? Oklahoma is that state of which country that first declared the holiday on Christmas? Why the electric Christmas lights were created? Show Answer The electric Christmas lights were created to give the value to Christmas day and to lighten the homes with joy. Why the state of the US has declared a holiday on Christmas day?,17_KO18,34.htm
Print Christmas Bible Quiz (Answers) | Bible Quizzes
Show Answer The state of the US has declared as the public holiday for the first time to celebrate the festival of Christmas so that the people can meet with their family on holidays. Easy Christmas trivia Christmas is a famous festival that is celebrated in many countries name the countries which greatly celebrate the festival as compared to other countries? Which was the country who issued a stamp of Christmas postage for the first time? In the United States when was the Christmas declared as a public holiday? Which is the country who has a famous tradition in which a witch drops the gifts for children by using the chimney at Christmas?
Christmas Bible Quiz: 20 Good Questions
Show Answer Italy What is in the gifts that the witch who drops the gifts through chimneys for the children? Show Answer The gifts usually have chocolates, sweets, candies, watches, shinning balls, and greetings card that the witch gives to the children. In France what is Santa Claus be called? Which is the country who exports the largest number of Christmas trees? Show Answer Canada How many days the people have between Christmas day and the Epiphany?
105+ Christmas Trivia Questions With Answers [Religious]
Privacy Policy Easter Bible Trivia Questions The free Easter Bible Trivia Questions along with the answer key available free to download, print and play for your next church Easter event, Sunday School event or even your very own personal Easter event at home. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to download at your very own convenience. Test your Bible knowledge with Free Bible Trivia questions on Easter- the answer key is included also to have as an activity for your youth on Easter. This is a great way to quiz your Sunday School kids, etc. These Easter activities can help the entire family children, teens, kids, youth, and adults alike learn scriptures during this Easter holiday.
Easter Bible Trivia Questions
Sometimes it makes the soul feel good to learn what maybe we didn't know so make sure not just your children learn by these biblical questions. Here are the Bible Trivia questions for that you can download and print for free on Easter for your children at Sunday School, home, etc. Who did Jesus first appear to after he had risen? What was the name of the garden where Jesus was praying before the soldiers came to get him? Who betrayed Jesus? What did Jesus ride triumphantly into Jerusalem on? Who was the Roman King at the time Jesus was crucified? On what day after Jesus was crucified did he rise? Easter is the oldest Christian holiday and one of the most important days of the church year. Easter is a spring festival that celebrates the central event of the Christian Faith: The resurrection of Christ three days after his death by crucifixion.
350+ Fun Bible Trivia Questions & Answers
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Printable Bible Trivia Questions And Answers Multiple Choice
We have lots of Biblical quizzes and Christmas quizzes so have a look around and test out your know-how! What is the name of the city where Jesus was born? How many wise men came to visit baby Jesus? What animal did Mary ride on her journey? Where was Jesus laid after he was born? How did the wise men find baby Jesus? What three gifts did the wise men bring?
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