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How many valves does a trumpet have? Answer: 3. Name the famous ballet Russian dancer who changed the face of modern ballet. Answer: Rudolf Nureyev. Answer: To be played softly. Fun Trivia Gardening Questions By what name is Lancelot Brown more...
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Answer: Kew Gardens. Which garden is considered to be among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Answer: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Give the alternative name for a Mountain Ash tree. Answer: Rowan. What colour is a Welsh poppy? Answer:...
23 Kids Whose Questions Legitimately — And Hilariously — Stumped Their Parents
Who wrote the novel Death in Venice, which was later made into a film of the same name? Answer: Thomas Mann. Answer: Helen Dunmore. Which Shakespeare play features Shylock? Answer: The Merchant of Venice. How tall would a double elephant folio book be? Answer: 50 inches. In publishing, what does POD mean? Answer: Print on demand. Answer: Ian Fleming. When was William Shakespeare born? Answer: 23rd April On what date did the Battle of Culloden take place? Answer: 16th April When did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister? Answer: When did the Cold War end? Who was the architect who designed the Millennium Dome? Answer: Richard Rogers. When did the Eurostar train service between Britain and France start running? Answer: 14th November When was the euro introduced as legal currency on the world market?
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Answer: 1st January Which animal is responsible for killing more people than plane crashes? Answer: Donkeys. Answer: A tittle! Can anyone lick their elbow? Answer: You actually can do it using a few tricks! After reading the previous answer, did you make an effort to lick your elbow? Answer: Muhammad. On an average, how much time do we spend in the toilet in a lifetime? Answer: 3 years, for people with bladder problems, it may be more. When you inhale a burning cigarette, what is the temperature at the tip? Answer: Its degree Celsius What is strangest thing about Las Vegas casinos? Coprastastaphobia is the fear? Answer: Elephants What color is a orange blossom? Answer: White In which country did the Arabic numerals originate?
5 Fun Games You Can Play With Facebook's New GIF Feature
Please log in or register to answer this question. The amount of news that they have been adding has made users grow more and more and become faithful followers of the social network. One of the most successful functions is having hour stories , which allow you to publish photos, videos, text, etc. In addition, these stories can be stored in a file, or set as highlighted in your profile. In addition, there are more and more options that can be integrated into this type of content, since through stickers you can add surveys , gif , hashtag etc.
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One of the most used things are the questions, which allow to know the opinion of your followers through their answers. In addition, these responses can be shared again as stories and can be edited with new stickers. To keep up, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel! In case you don't know how to do it, check how to do it in the following tutorial. Step 2 Now you have to enter the story you have uploaded, and select at the bottom "Seen by".
100+ Fun Trivia Questions With Answers
Step 3 Next, you will see all the answers you have received in your story question. Select the one you want to share and click on it. Step 4 Now you will see how the answer is shared. In case you want to add a gif or something else, select the sticker icon at the top. Step 5 Here you have to choose Gif to be able to choose the one you want to add. Step 6 Once selected, you will have personalized the answer to your story. In this simple way we can decorate the answers we share in our Instagram stories.
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Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay Correction: The third paragraph in 8 has been edited after publication, for clarity. However, the new online filing system is not without glitches and, with an overload of calls to unemployment helplines, Pennsylvanians are left with little information. Julia Simon-Mishel, the supervising attorney of the unemployment compensation division at Philadelphia Legal Assistance has some tips on how to file for PUA. Who is eligible for PUA? Individuals who are self-employed, business owners, freelancers, gig workers and independent contractors. Those who were deemed ineligible for regular unemployment due to insufficient work history are also eligible for PUA. How much will I receive from PUA? Most people will immediately receive a financial determination letter in the messages section of the PUA portal saying they are eligible for the minimum payment, but if they upload more documents, like pay stubs or a tax form to prove their income, their benefits may be re-configured to a higher payment.
Facebook Rolls Out GIF-supported Polls Feature To Web And Mobile Apps
The payments will begin for the week ending on April 4 and end on July If you work for an entity as a freelancer or contractor, you should report that entity in the employment history section of the application. If you have clients who pay you directly, you should file as self-employed. We have reached out to the department to address this confusion. How long after filing can I expect to see movement on my claim? You should receive a letter of financial determination on your portal inbox almost immediately after filing.
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Filing weekly claims is the only way to receive PUA payments, and some applicants who have filed weekly claims have already begun to be paid. What is this? This is the PA Treasury department establishing a connection to your bank account if you signed up for direct deposit. Weekly claims begin being available one week after you file the initial application.
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For some, these claims are not available yet. How should I report my earnings on a weekly claim? You should report your income that has been earned, not when paid. What is net income and gross income? Gross income is how much you make before taxes and other charges are taken out of your paycheck. Net income is how much you actually take home. Self-employed workers are being asked to report their gross income, but Philadelphia Legal Assistance sees this as going against the law and is working to address this issue with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. If I report earnings on a weekly claim, will this affect my benefits? If you make less than 30 percent of your weekly payment, you will still receive the full benefit amount for that week. If you make more than 30 percent, your benefits will be reduced on a dollar to dollar scale, meaning if you make 35 percent of your benefit amount, your payment will be reduced by five percent.
Query Friends Or Fans With New GIF And Photo Facebook Polls
What are potential earnings? These are wages or earnings you could have received if you were offered a shift or a job but turned it down. These are not wages you could have been making if you were employed. The easiest way to get your questions answered is to email ucpua pa. Simon-Mishel recommends checking your portal regularly for new messages. If you receive a message through the portal, you can respond to that message directly. You can find more information on their FAQ page or report problems you had here.
Types Of Questions
It's easy to create a Quiz, then modify it or assign it to your Class. To create a Quiz from your Class view: Select located at the top of your Edmodo Class page Click Create Quiz to create a new Quiz or load an existing Quiz from your Library Fill in the Quiz's details Select the Quiz Questions tab to create your Quiz Add any attachments to make questions more visually appealing and diverse for your students. To include weighted Quiz questions, try adjusting the point value to match the total points you want. Reuse questions from previous Quizzes you've uploaded to Edmodo by using the Add from Question Bank option. Add additional questions by hovering over the horizontal line that separates two questions and clicking on the Plus.
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Rearrange any questions by hovering over Move next to the question number and dragging the questions to your desired order. Click Assign to post the Quiz immediately. Learn more about Quiz settings and options here. Notes: Revise and see your Quiz as a students by clicking on Preview at the top. Your Quiz will be automatically saved to your Edmodo Library if you do not assign it. You can assign this Quiz from your Class page or from your Library at any time. Click More to see additional options such as print, make a copy or delete. When you're ready to send your Quiz, be sure to select between the options desired: Assign To: Select the Class recipient for your Quiz. If you want to send the Quiz to more than one class or an individual student, you can search for them from within this field. Time Limit: Set a time limit in minutes for your Students to complete the Quiz. Once a Student starts the Quiz, they must answer all questions before the allotted time has passed.
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Randomize Questions: Randomize the question order for each Student who takes the Quiz. Show Correct Answer Upon completion: Allow Students to view how they answered the Quiz as well as the correct answer for each question. Schedule for Later: Choose to send the Quiz post out at a later date. When choosing this option, the Quiz post will be in your Scheduled Post queue. Note: If you send a Quiz to individual students, rather than the whole Class, the results will not be added automatically to Gradebook Progress. Instead, their Quiz results will be in What's Due where you can manually enter the score into your Progress page.
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Grant born? Full credit. Half credit for being close. The first set of :: precedes the question title. The second :: precedes the actual question. Teacher responses have a in front of them. Usually these are obtained with help of the [AltGr] key. There are pros and cons to allowing this to happen. Cons: This can add a lot of unnecessary words. This can include characters which might confuse the export GIFT process. Pros: On the other hand. It will save you typing. Having the same title for every question is a very bad idea. We will try to show the simple version for example and in some formats we will introduce some more complex features that can be imported into many Moodle Question formats. The answers must not contain a tilde. Here are two examples using the simple method showing possible right answers for credit. Who's buried in Grant's tomb? There must be at least three matching pairs.
Question Mark
Match the following countries with their corresponding capitals. To use the Missing Word format, place the answers where you want the line to appear in the sentence. If the answers come before the closing punctuation mark, a fill-in-the-blank line will be inserted for the "missing word" format. All question types can be written in the Missing Word format. There must be a blank line double carriage return separating questions. For clarity, the answers can be written on separate lines and even indented. Numerical questions The answer section for Numerical questions must start with a number sign. Numerical answers can include an error margin, which is written following the correct answer, separated by a colon. So for example, if the correct answer is anything between 1.
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This indicates that 2 with an error margin of 0. If no error margin is specified, it will be assumed to be zero. Here is a simple numerical format question. It will accept a range of 5 years. When was Ulysses S. What is the value of pi to 3 decimal places? Moodle's browser interface does not support multiple numerical answers, but Moodle's code can and so does GIFT. This can be used to specify numerical multiple spans, and can be particularly usefully when combined with percentage weight grades. If multiple answers are used, they must be separated by an equal sign, like short answer questions. The only way to change a numerical answer beyond the first, is to delete the question and re-import it or use something like phpMyAdmin.
Can You Answer The Question | Gifs
But better would be to upgrade your Moodle to at least 1. Essay An essay question is simply a question with an empty answer field. Nothing is permitted between the curly braces at all. Options In addition to these basic question types, this filter offers the following options: line comments, question name, feedback and percentage answer weight. Line Comments Comments that will not be imported into Moodle can be included in the text file. This can be used to provide headers or more information about questions. All lines that start with a double backslash not counting tabs or spaces will be ignored by the filter. If no question name is specified, the entire question will be used as the name by default. Feedback Feedback can be included for each answer by following the answer with a number sign also known as a hash mark and the feedback.
GIFT Format
What's the answer to this multiple-choice question? You gave the right answer. For short answer, feedback is shown only when students input the corresponding correct answer. For true-false questions, there can be one or two feedback strings. The first is shown if the student gives the wrong answer. The second if the student gives the right answer. Percentage answer weights can be included by following the tilde for Multiple Choice or equal sign for Short Answer with the desired percent enclosed within percent signs e. This option can be combined with feedback comments.
SSRS GIF Images Not Rendering When Exporting A Report To PDF Or Image - Microsoft Q&A
Difficult question. That's right! Note that it is possible to specify percentage answer weights that are NOT available through the browser interface. The Match Grades drop-down on the import page determines how these are handled. You can either request that an error be reported or that the answer weight be adjusted to the nearest valid answer weight. Specify text-formatting for the question The question text only may have an optional text format specified. The format is specified in square brackets immediately before the question text. See Formatting text for further information. Multiple Answers The Multiple Answers option is used for multiple choice questions when two or more answers must be selected in order to obtain full credit. The multiple answers option is enabled by assigning partial answer weight to multiple answers, while allowing no single answer to receive full credit.
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What two people are entombed in Grant's tomb? Since these symbols have a special role in determining the operation of this filter, they are called "control characters. The way to get around this problem is "escaping" the control characters. For example: Which answer equals 5? BUT, it is used to escape the control characters. See this forum thread. You can change the category as many times as you wish within the file. All questions after the modifier up to the next modifier or the end of the file will be added to the specified category. Up to the first category modifier the category specified on the import screen will be used. Note that for this to work the from file: box must be ticked on the import screen.
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In this case the questions will go into harry. The categories are created if they do not exist. To find out how your categories are organized, you might try exporting some questions including category data first and check the exported GIFT formatted file. When the title is left blank, Moodle will put the beginning of the question as the title. You can specify markup if you need to format the question by setting [html], [moodle], [plain] or [markdown] just before the question text. See more about this in the reference pdf below. In the Lesson module, in a question page, correct answers jump by default to Next page and incorrect answers jump to This page i. When importing from a GIFT format file, this is exactly the mechanism which is used.
Adding Images
If you want a student to be taken directly from one question to the next irrespective of their answer being correct or incorrect: in the Lesson Settings, set Maximum number of attempts: to 1. If you do not want this default feedback message to be displayed then enter your own feedback message i. In case you want no visible message displayed then enter a non-breaking space as feedback. Moodle will not put it's automatic response because it sees the blank space. To do this, put a after the answer and write without spaces between these characters. Need to use a special GIFT character in your question or answer? Perhaps change the title slightly so you will recognize the new questions. Alphabetic case-sensitive comparison is disabled by default. See this forum thread for links to downloadable files for different Word versions.. Several people have built upon other contributors work. The most recent for OO 2. There is an easy to use on line multiple question generator at a4esl.
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Here you write your question s without formating marks, select Moodle and press the generate quiz button. The initial format requires fewer keystrokes it uses line position and returns than the GIFT format, so you should save time and be less likely to create invalid data. The GIFT with medias optional plugin is an import format similar to Gift and uses the same syntax, but instead of a text file it imports a zip file containing the gift text file and media files images, sounds, A documentation explain how to include medias in your questions. See also.
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Joanna May 13 min read You see them everywhere. Makes sense, right? People liked that they could quickly send large files without reducing image quality and GIFs worked well across most operating systems. When people realized that the format worked well for simple animations or short video clips, GIFs continued to grow in popularity. There are websites devoted to the pronunciation , the GIF creator has weighed in , and even dictionaries have written opinions on how to pronounce it. Turns out, they work physiologically and psychologically. Human brains are amazing and process ridiculous amounts of information every second. Words are abstract and images are concrete. The psychological reasons that GIFs work are even more powerful. They engage the audience and invoke reactions in a way that text cannot compete with. They add humor and make your quizzes something that people want to take and share with others. I mean, how do you go wrong with a quiz with moving animals like this quiz from Greenpeace?
Question Mark Animated Gif
GIFs allow you to show a fun side to your quiz-takers that might not be clear through written text. What are popular GIFs in one country might not even be known in other countries. Chanteuse Marie proves that GIFs work with so many different niches. There are some things to consider as you plan your quiz. You want a quiz that people respond to and that is easy for them to take. And you want it to be fun! That means that there are a whole lot of gray areas with regards to the legal use of GIFs, especially for businesses. To start off, GIFs most likely fall under copyright law. That means that creators have the right to send cease and desist letters or other legal means to stop the use of their GIFs, if they want to. According to an article on Forbes , there have been no legal cases in the US as of that had decided that using GIFs does or does not violate copyright laws.
Choose Your Topic
If you want to avoid any potential legal difficulties at all, it is recommended that you have the permission of any people that appear in the GIF including celebrities , the creator of the original work, and the GIF creator before you use the GIF. I just wanted to include a disclaimer in this discussion about GIFs. And Michelle P. Or Disney.
Are Animated Gifs Okay To Have?
Trust us. It is essential to think about the voice of your brand and your niche. Since GIFs have a fun, young vibe, it might not be a good idea to include them if you have a serious niche or your target avatar is older. In her post on Quu. You might want to consider a different approach in quizzes for that generation. But GIFs are very busy and can be overwhelming to look at for an extended period of time. To keep that from happening, I would recommend using GIFs sparingly, either by limiting where you put them in the question image instead of the answer choices or limiting how often you use them. Maybe use them in a question that has answer choices instead of 12 choices or use them in a few questions instead of every question in your quiz.
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The first step of any quiz is deciding what type of quiz you want to make. You can choose a personality quiz, a scored quiz, or an assessment quiz. Decide on a goal for your quiz The first thing that should always be done when making a quiz is to decide on the goal for your quiz. My quiz has two main purposes. I want to segment people for my email list according to their current level of email marketing knowledge, and I want to get them to take the correct action to move forward in my client funnel. I can highlight that in my CTA for those who are ready to take the leap and build to that in my follow-up sequence. The great thing about Interact is the segmenting is basically done for you. You set up your quiz results, connect your email service provider ESP , add your tags and automations inside your ESP, and it happens like magic! The next screen shows the three quiz types. I chose Scored to get started on my scored quiz. The next screen shows my quiz cover.
Digital Image Processing Quiz Questions & Answers - 1
I put in my title, and the next step is was to choose my quiz cover image. When I clicked on Edit Cover Image, the image search came up. I then added my quiz description, and the cover was finished. Writing the quiz results With my background in education and instructional design, I know how important it is to make sure that your questions assess what you want them to assess and that each answer correlates to a quiz result. I wanted three quiz results, and I used the Interact post on writing quiz results to help design my results. I started with my top result for the users who get the highest score. After writing the first quiz result, I repeated the process for the other two quiz results — intermediate email marketer and email marketing beginner.
Just Answer The Question
TIP: For a scored quiz, start with your lowest level response and work up. Again, I wrote a brief description of their knowledge, a tip to help them move from their current state, an appropriate GIF I searched rising star and start to find ones I liked , and a CTA that fit with their current email marketing level. If you need help developing quality a quality CTA for each of your quiz results, check this post out! In this post on writing quizzes , Interact recommends questions. This will give you enough information to accurately assess the quiz taker without overwhelming the person taking the quiz. Set up the scoring for your quiz If you create a scored quiz, you need to make sure you set the score so the quiz can accurately assess the quiz taker.
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You can set it up however you want. If you want the best answer to be worth 3 points and adjust points down for that, go for it. If you want the correct answer to be worth points, you can do that, too. On this screen, you can also choose if you want people to be able to choose more than once answer. If you choose that, make sure you say they can do that in the question. When you set the score for each answer, Interact automatically adjusts the scoring to get each result. It splits the points evenly between the number of answer choices. You may or may not want that. You can add your logo to the quiz, add your colors, and change the font to match your brand elements. I always have subscribers add their name, just because it makes emails seem friendlier. You can add whatever information you want to collect from subscribers. Interact recommends allowing subscribers to skip the opt-in form.
Query Friends Or Fans With New GIF And Photo Facebook Polls – TechCrunch
You end up with more quiz completions and the people who fill it out really want to be added to your list. The next step is to set up the integration with your ESP. Interact connects with most of the big platforms, as you can see. I recommend automating the process with Zapier, unless you know how to use webhooks. After you connect your ESP, you need to map your answers. I then have to map each result to the right group in Interact. To finish out the email marketing aspect of your quiz, make sure you set up the automated sequences within your ESP for each of your groups. The content, terminology, and CTAs are appropriate to individuals who know a lot about email marketing and are passionate about it. If you need to help figuring out what to include in your email sequences, check out how to write the perfect follow-up sequence for your quiz.
Say Anything Gif
It can take a little bit to find the perfect one, so keep looking. On the flip side, not everything can or should be a GIF. Be consistent in your inconsistency. Everything you ever needed to know about using GIFs in quizzes, and probably a whole lot more! Be sure to check out my email marketing quiz to see what level marketer you are.
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Joanna May Joanna May specializes in email and content marketing. When she's not hard at work for her clients or writing for her blog, you can find her spending time with her husband and two sons, volunteering, or learning something new! Head over to mayvirtualassists.
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