Wednesday, April 7, 2021

A Raisin In The Sun Reading Questions Answers

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    What does Mama retrieve when with the change in Walter. Ruth tells Walter she doesn't and where she has been? Read a Plot Overview of the entire play or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. What are scene begins? What is significant about...

  • [DOWNLOAD] A Raisin In The Sun Reading Questions Answers

    In fact, it is the first thing that she does in the morning; thus, What does What has happened to change Ruth's What is significant about the In Act 2, Scene 2. What is Hansberry's intention in having Travis present for the scene with Lindner...

  • Exam - A Raisin In The Sun

    Discuss a character from Raisin who was pressured into taking an action that he or she might not have taken on his or her own. Show how Raisin deals with the generation gap — the problems that the older generation has in dealing with the younger generation and vice versa. Discuss the ways in which two characters in Raisin have made adjustments to negative aspects of their environment. These adjustments might be to the character's physical surroundings, to other people, or to the customs and traditions of the society in which they live. Sometimes something as seemingly trivial as a meeting or a conversation between two people can have a lasting effect upon the life of one or even of both of them. Discuss how either a seemingly unimportant meeting or a casual conversation brings about a significant change in the life of one of the characters in Raisin.

  • Homework Help: A Raisin In The Sun Act I Short Answer Study Guide Questions

    Sometimes in one work of literature, we might find two characters who contrast markedly from one another. Discuss two characters from Raisin who are the opposite of each other in their views, beliefs, and philosophy of life. In literature, as in life, a character might feel trapped. Discuss a character from Raisin who feels trapped and give examples of the ways in which this character chooses to deal with those feelings. Discuss a character from Raisin who changes significantly, telling specifically of the forces that bring about this change. How does this character relate to the other characters before the change and how does this character relate to the other characters after the change?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Short Essay - Answer Key

    Most people define loneliness as being alone, but a person might experience loneliness even when surrounded by other people. Often, in life, a situation may reach a "point of no return" — the point after which the life of a person can never be the same. Describe such a turning point for a character in Raisin. Add another ending to the already existing ending of Raisin. Describe what you think happens next — after the Youngers have left their Southside Chicago apartment and have moved into their new house. You might write a composition or you may wish to continue in Hansberry's genre, using the dialogue of the characters to show your plot.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Short Answer Test - Answer Key

    Noting Lorraine Hansberry's unique writing style, compare Walter Lee's imitation of a subservient, stereotypical begging "darky," the heartbreaking speech he plans to deliver to Lindner in order to regain the lost money with the speech that Walter Lee actually gives when Lindner arrives. How are they different in language? What is Hansberry's point in having Walter Lee practice one speech and then say something completely different? After reading a full-length biography of Langston Hughes, show how he might have had a profound effect on Lorraine Hansberry's writing of A Raisin in the Sun. After reading a full-length biography of Lorraine Hansberry, discuss the ways in which events of her own life are interwoven into her play A Raisin in the Sun.

  • Reading Drama: Small Group Reading Of "A Raisin In The Sun" Act 1, Sc. 2

    Research the following events of and tell how each might have contributed to Lorraine Hansberry's political philosophy: the arrest of Rosa Parks; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; and the murder of Emmett Till. In order to be more aware of the historical events surrounding the opening of Raisin on Broadway, summarize the headlines of The New York Times for March 11, the date Raisin opened on Broadway ; also summarize a full-length article from Life magazine for that week; and summarize an article from Ebony magazine for that month.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Questions And Answers

    Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of A Raisin in the Sun and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Name two details that suggest this. English III. Quotations—Identify the speaker. His woman say: Eat your eggs. You know the drill, a paragraph each. Do twenty 20 of the following. The furniture is described as "tired. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Or fester like a sore And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Act 1 Scene 2 Summary

    Or crust and sugar over Like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Act I Scene One: Friday morning. Scene Two: The following morning.

  • IGCSE / IB: A Raisin In The Sun (Hansberry) ADVANCED TEACH + EXAM PREP + ANSWERS

    The family is cleaning and doing chores. When Travis asks where his mother has gone, Mama gives him a vague answer. When Beneatha asks the same question, Mama tells her that Ruth has gone to the doctor and mentions she "ain't ever been wrong 'bout a woman. Ruth returns and makes it clear that she is, in fact, two-months pregnant. Mama appears excited, but Beneatha mentions that she wonders where this baby is going to sleep as they are already cramped into the space that they have available.

  • Pursuing Dreams: A Raisin In The Sun

    Ruth also seems more upset by the situation than excited. Asagai shows up at the door and brings Beneatha a package. She opens it to find African robes and records. He shows her how to properly drape the authentic attire then comments that her hair isn't natural. He calls her an assimilationist for wanting to look more like the white people. Asagia makes it clear, however, that he has strong feelings for Beneatha. Younger meets him, and Asagai tells her that he is from Nigeria from the Yoruba tribe. He explains that his nickname for Beneatha, Alaiyo, is a Yoruba word meaning one for whom food is not enough. After Asagai leaves, Beneatha soon follows. The mailman brings the mail, and Mama asks Travis to go fetch it.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Discussion Questions

    She is hesitant to open the envelope containing a check worth such a large amount of money. Once she opens it, Mama comments that if it weren't for the rest of the family, she'd probably just give it to the church. When Mama asks Ruth about her doctor's visit, Ruth accidentally refers to the doctor as a woman, and Mama knows Ruth didn't see her regular doctor. Walter then rushes in asking about the money. Mama tells him she is not interested in investing in a liquor store. Angered by her unwillingness to listen, Walter says he is leaving.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Quiz

    Ruth wants to go with him, but he doesn't want to speak to her either. Ruth storms out of the room upset with her husband. Mama tries to talk to Walter about what it is he wants in life. He tells her that what is important is money, and Mama is upset because she thinks what is important is freedom. Finally, Mama confesses that she believes Ruth is thinking about getting rid of their baby. Walter doesn't believe it, but then Ruth reenters the room and confirms that she already put a five-dollar down payment toward the procedure. Mama wants Walter to tell Ruth not to do it, but Walter just leaves.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Literature Guide Flip Book

    The stage directions say that the living room in the Younger apartment might he comfortable and well-ordered, but ''weariness" has "won in this room. What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded? How does the apartment building itself create problems for the Younger family as they begin the day? When Walter comes into the living room, what thoughts are on his mind?

  • IGCSE / IB: A Raisin In The Sun (Hansberry) - Act 2, Scene 2 UNIT + ANSWERS

    What does he ask Ruth? When is the check coming? Walter tells Ruth that she looks young this morning and calls her "baby. When Walter's son, Travis, comes out of the bathroom, what does he ask? Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school. What are Walter's and Ruth's attitudes about money? Ruth tells Walter she doesn't want to know what he has been thinking about Why? What has Walter been thinking about? How does Walter think women should treat their men? How does Ruth react to Walter's desire for her support? Describe the immediate exchange of words between Walter and his sister, Beneatha, when she comes into the living room. What are Beneatha's hopes for her own future? Why is Walter concerned about Beneatha's plans? What sacrifices does Walter say have been made for Beneatha's sake? How does Beneatha react when she hears this?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Act 1 Questions And Answers

    How does their conversation end? Why does Walter return to the apartment? What does he do? How is Mama described in the stage directions? What does Mama retrieve when she opens the window? What is unique about this object? How does Mama interfere in Ruth's life? In conversations with Ruth and Beneatha in this scene. Mama's values become more clear. How does Mama feel about money? What kind of man was Big Walter? Why does Mama claim he worked himself to death? How much does Mama value religion? How does she react to Beneatha's denial of God? Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the plant symbolize to Mama? What does Mama ask Ruth to do at the end of this scene? What happens to Ruth? Act I, Scene II When does Scene II begin? What are Mama and Beneatha doing as this scene begins? What is Walter doing? Who does Beneatha invite to the apartment?

  • Exam - A Raisin In The Sun - ProProfs Quiz

    How does she tell Mama to act around this person? What is revealed about Ruth and where she has been? What is she thinking about doing, and why might she be considering such a thing? Asagai arrives, bringing gifts for Beneatha. What are the gifts? What does Asagai represent to Beneatha? What does Asagai say and do to encourage Beneatha's search for her identity? Soon after Asagai leaves, the mail carrier delivers the insurance check. How much is the check worth? Why does Mama's expression become sober and then unhappy when she holds the check?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Guide With Answers

    Walter rushes in demanding to know whether the check has arrived. How does he show his insensitivity to the situation at home? How do Walter's and Mama's views of the meaning of life conflict? How does Mama try to influence Walter at the end of the scene? What does she reveal to him? Act II, Scene I When does Act II begin? What is Beneatha doing as the first scene opens? What is she wearing? Why does Walter join her in the dance? How does the arrival of George Murchison change the mood of the scene? Beneatha calls George an "assimilationist. What is Walter's attitude toward George? What is George's attitude toward Walter? Who is Prometheus, and why does George call Walter by that name? How does Ruth try to ease Walter's mood? What evidence is there that Walter and Ruth still love each other, despite their problems? What news does Mama break to the family in this scene? How do Ruth and Walter react to Mama's news? What does Walter accuse Mama of?

  • 13 A Raisin In The Sun Ideas | American Literature, Raisin, African American Literature

    In what condition is the apartment when Beneatha arrives home from a date with George? What sort of woman does George say he wants Beneatha to be? And why doesn't George want to listen to Beneatha's ideas? When Beneatha asks George why he goes to college, what is his reply? After George leaves, Mama asks Beneatha if she had a good time on her date. Beneatha replies that George is a fool. Why does she say this? Why does Beneatha thank her mother? How does Ruth find out that Walter has not been to work for three days? What has Walter been doing instead of going to work? How does Mama react to Walter's explanation of where he's been?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Questions

    What does she give Walter, and how does Walter react to being entrusted with it? When Walter tells Travis that he wants to hand him the world, what sort of life is Waiter envisioning for his family? Beneatha and Ruth are busy packing when Ruth tells Beneatha how happy she is with the change in Walter. What are three examples that show Walter has changed in the past week? Why does Mr. Lindner come to the Youngers' apartment? Why don't the residents of Clybourne Park want the Youngers in their neighborhood? How does Waiter react to Lindner's offer? What is significant about Mama's preparing her plant for the move as she listens to the details of the encounter with Lindner? How does Walter respond to Mama's determination? What gifts does the family give Mama? Why are the gifts appropriate? Why doesn't Walter answer the door immediately when the bell rings? Who is at the door? What news does this person bring, and how does Walter react to the news?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Guided Reading Questions Answers

    View a FREE sample 1. Which members of the Younger family share each of the two bedrooms? Lena and Beneatha share the main bedroom, while Ruth and Walter Lee sleep in the bedroom converted from the breakfast nook. Why is it difficult for members of the Younger family to use the bathroom in the morning? It's located down the hall and shared by other residents of the apartment building.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

    Walter Lee mentions that Mama is expecting something to arrive in the mail. What is she expecting? Ruth scolds Walter Lee for keeping Travis up the night before. How did Walter Lee do that? He kept his son up by entertaining his friends, Willie Harris and Bobo, after p. This section contains 2, words approx.

  • IGCSE / IB: A Raisin In The Sun (Hansberry) - Act 2, Scene 2 UNIT + ANSWERS | Teaching Resources

    File previews pdf, 2. The unit contains: Comprehension Questions for Act 2, Scene 2 of the play. Close Reading Questions for Act 2, Scene 2 of the play. This is a more challenging set of questions that force students to engage with key literary aspects setting, characterization, conflicts, themes, symbolism, mood, tone, etc. You can use this set of questions with more advanced students, and they are also perfect to practice close reading and analysis as they often use key passages, quotations, and events as the starting point for further discussion, critical thinking, and analysis.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Test

    The questions facilitate a closer, guided look at various crucial literary aspects, including themes, symbolism, characterization, motifs. Perfect, again, for exam practice Historical Context: This longer, informative text outlines the lives and visions for African Americans of three seminal political, philosophical figures: Booker T.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Literature Guide Flip Book - Study All Knight

    Washington, W. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey. Discussion and follow-up writing tasks accompany this in-depth cross-curricular activity. It is also designed to aid students in their revision, especially if they wish to consult the answer key to gain an in-depth understanding of Act 2, Scene 2. Enjoy, and please leave feedback! Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Quizzes

    Posted by mctowle11 A Raisin in the Sun discussion questions force students to think critically about the drama and to examine perspectives and biases. Walter cannot advance beyond being a chauffeur just as Big Walter could not advance beyond manual labor. Mama has never known any employment besides service, and Ruth can expect the same. The same system represented by Mr. Lindner keeps African Americans paying rent in perpetuity. Internalized racism in A Raisin in the Sun Internalized racism plays an important role in the play. The family openly discusses how the views of their African American neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, are just are detrimental as oppression that created them.

  • A Raisin In The Sun Reading Questions [rqg4j]

    Despite her experiences, Mama refuses to internalize racism, accept the status quo, or dignify the views of Mrs. Johnson and Booker T. If he decides to sacrifice his self-respect, he is acquiescing to his oppression. In the climax of the play, he chooses dignity. Prejudice against Africa in A Raisin in the Sun Hansberry explores the prejudice against Africa through many of the characters. Beneatha lauds African heritage and seeks to broaden her understanding whereas George, despite his knowledge, openly dismisses and insults it. The three facets of this issue make this an essential question of A Raisin in the Sun. Do they lash out and then submit Walter? Do they refuse to let the dream die despite the interminable waiting Mama? Do they debase themselves by victimizing others Willie?

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